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UITparticipant 2024
The UIT is the general city introduction for all prospective (master's) students who will study in Utrecht at one of the participating educational institutions: Utrecht University, Hogeschool Utrecht, Hogeschool voor de Kunsten Utrecht, Tio Business School, Universiteit voor Humanistiek, TU Kampen, Grafisch Lyceum Utrecht, MBO Utrecht, Nimento Utrecht and ROC Midden Nederland. 

The UIT is the very best way to start your student life! During this general city introduction you get the chance, together with 4,000 other first-year students, to get to know your fellow students, the educational institutions, the student organisations and, of course, the city of Utrecht itself.

Participant registration

As a UITparticipant, you have access to all events, activities and parties organised by UIT and get a UIT bag, lunch every day and dinner once.

Price: € 87,00

Do you have different food requirements? Yes, namely:

The food arranged through the UIT is vegetarian.


I have a disability and want to participate in the UIT. For example, visual, auditory, motoric and psychological disabilities or chronic illnesses.

The UIT will contact you if you answer 'YES' in order to find a suitable solution.


What type of group do you want to be in?

Read the frequently asked questions here for more information on the different groups.


What do you hope to see during the UIT?

Culture & information
Rate culture & information high if you want to get to know Utrecht's cultural highlights or are mainly looking for information before starting your student life.

Associations & parties
Give a high score to associations & parties if you mainly want to get to know associations and parties.

Culture VS parties
Indicate whether your preference is for culture or parties.

Culture & information


Associations & party


Culture VS party


You will now register as a participant for the UIT. We ask you to fill in some details that we need for this registration in the following order:
  1. Your personal data
  2. Extra questions
  3. Summary
  4. Payment by iDEAL
  5. Confirmation
Complete all steps!

When you have completed and sent this form, you will be automatically redirected to a payment page. After you have paid the registration fee of 87 euro, you will receive the entrance ticket via e-mail and you have successfully registered for the UIT 2024! If your payment is not received within an hour, your registration will be deleted.

In addition, it is not possible to cancel your registration or ask for a refund after the registration has been completed, for more information see the terms.

Do you have questions about your registration or the UIT? Check our FAQ or contact us via